Before Goldstein was Goldstein, he was one half of a school of two. They say that those who spawn together, stay together; but in this case they couldn’t swim together forever.
Some fisherman say it started with a glint in his eye they could see from the shore. Others claim they saw Goldstein applying a little seasoning to his partner between strokes. Either way, he was soon found sailing solo, with a little extra weight to show for his heartbreak. What followed was a plethora of potential partners of all shapes and sizes, but the first cut was the deepest, and their first fight would spell to be their last.
A good mate is hard to find, but a decent meal is easy, and before long Goldstein had developed a real taste for love. None would prove to be as nutritious as his first, but as they say, there’s plenty more fish in the freshwater.
Goldstein has no intention of giving up, no matter how big he gets.
Bait & Lure Preferences
Crankbait - Constant (38%), Crankbait - Twitching (38%), Frog - Twitching (38%), Popper - Twitching (38%), Spinnerbait - Constant (38%), Spinnerbait - Stop and Go (38%), Spinnerbait - Twitching (38%), Worm - Jigging (38%), Grub - Constant (13%), Grub - Jigging (13%), Grub - Twitching (13%), Shad - Constant (13%), Shad - Jigging (13%), Shad - Stop and Go (13%), Shad - Twitching (13%), Tube - Jigging (13%) and Tube - Twitching (13%) can be used to lure and catch Goldstein in COTW the Angler. The percentages indicate the preference level for a specific bait or lure, where 100% is most prefered.
Goldstein has the following traits:
- Aggressive:
Goes directly for a strike without nibbling.
- Jumper:
Likes jumping out of the water.
- Ambusher:
Bites only lures which have recently splashed in the water.
Goldstein Locations Map
A map with known locations for Goldstein. These are locations where has been caugth and it is known to spawn. Every week when Goldstein is active, it will be at different locations on the map.

Tips for catching Goldstein
What it Goldstein's preferred bait?
Goldstein preferes Popper as bait. If you use Popper you have the best chance of cathing Goldstein.
What is the Time of Day to catch Goldstein?
The best time for catching Goldstein is during Daytime and Nighttime.
What hook sizes are best for catching Goldstein?
It is best to use hooks of sizes 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1/0, 2/0, and 3/0 to catch Goldstein. You may be able to catch Goldstein with hooks of smaller size, but that's not confirmed.
Where can I catch Goldstein?
In the Call of the Wild: The Angler game, Goldstein can be found and caught in the Golden Ridge Reserve.
What fish species is Goldstein?
Goldstein is a legendary fish from the Largemouth Bass species.