Temperature Charts

Charts for each reserve

This page contains a temperature chart for each reserve in the COTW: The Angler game. Click on a reserve logo below to jump to the chart for that reserve.

Golden Ridge Reserve Logo - Colored Hook Size Chart
Trollsporet Nature Reserve Logo - Colored
Aguas Claras Municipio Logo - Colored
Izilo Zasendulo Logo - Colored
Kamuibetsu National Park Logo Transparent

Golden Ridge Reserve (USA) Temperature Chart

The table below contains the ideal temperatures for all the fish that can be caught in Golden Ridge Reserve. Diamonds usually bite close to this ideal temperature.

Temperature Chart for Golden Ridge Reserve ( celsius | fahrenheit )
Species Minimum TemperatureIdeal TemperatureMaximum Temperature
Black Crappie10.012.020.0
Brook Trout4.08.012.0
Channel Catfish10.013.020.0
Cutthroat Trout4.08.012.0
Golden Trout4.08.012.0
Freshwater Drum10.015.020.0
Green Sunfish11.514.026.0
Kokanee Salmon2.07.010.0
Lake Trout2.06.012.0
Largemouth Bass10.013.020.0
Mountain Whitefish4.08.010.5
Northern Pike6.010.020.0
Ohrid Trout6.010.015.0
Rainbow Trout4.08.010.5
River Carpsucker6.019.026.0
Rock Bass10.015.020.0
Shovelnose Sturgeon8.011.018.0
Signal Crayfish5.013.019.0
Smallmouth Bass10.014.026.0
Tiger Muskie (Muskellunge)5.09.520.0
White Crappie10.014.020.0
Yellow Perch10.013.020.0
Species Minimum TemperatureIdeal TemperatureMaximum Temperature

Trollsporet Nature Reserve (Norway) Temperature Chart

The table below contains the ideal temperatures for all the fish that can be caught in Trollsporet Nature Reserve. Diamonds usually bite close to this ideal temperature.

Temperature Chart for Trollsporet Nature Reserve ( celsius | fahrenheit )
Species Minimum TemperatureIdeal TemperatureMaximum Temperature
Alpine Bullhead0.05.015.0
Arctic Char0.53.014.0
Atlantic Salmon0.53.515.0
Brown Trout1.58.013.0
Bullhead Catfish3.011.528.0
Common Dace4.012.020.0
European Bullhead0.010.015.0
European Perch6.015.028.0
Northern Pike8.013.021.0
Species Minimum TemperatureIdeal TemperatureMaximum Temperature

Aguas Claras Municipio (Spain) Temperature Chart

The table below contains the ideal temperatures for all the fish that can be caught in Aguas Claras Municipio. Diamonds usually bite close to this ideal temperature.

Temperature Chart for Aguas Claras Municipio ( celsius | fahrenheit )
Species Minimum TemperatureIdeal TemperatureMaximum Temperature
Andalusian Barbel10.022.030.0
Brown Trout0.010.020.0
Comizo Barbel10.015.020.0
Common Carp0.015.030.0
Crucian Carp0.018.030.0
European Eel0.015.030.0
Largemouth Bass10.020.030.0
Mirror Carp0.020.030.0
Northern Pike0.013.025.0
Thicklip Mullet10.025.035.0
Thinlip Mullet10.024.035.0
Wels Catfish15.018.023.0
Species Minimum TemperatureIdeal TemperatureMaximum Temperature

Izilo Zasendulo (South Africa) Temperature Chart

The table below contains the ideal temperatures for all the fish that can be caught in Izilo Zasendulo. Diamonds usually bite close to this ideal temperature.

Temperature Chart for Izilo Zasendulo ( celsius | fahrenheit )
Species Minimum TemperatureIdeal TemperatureMaximum Temperature
African Mottled Eel13.023.033.0
African Tigerfish15.025.035.0
African Sharptooth Catfish7.017.027.0
Blue Kurper13.023.033.0
Canary Kurper16.026.036.0
Common Carp12.022.032.0
Grass Carp16.026.036.0
Largemouth Yellowfish17.027.037.0
Mirror Carp12.022.032.0
Purple Labeo16.026.036.0
Redbreast Kurper14.024.034.0
Rednose Labeo16.026.036.0
Smallmouth Yellowfish17.027.037.0
Spotted Bass14.024.034.0
Smallmouth Bass14.024.034.0
Species Minimum TemperatureIdeal TemperatureMaximum Temperature

Kamuibetsu National Park (Japan) Temperature Chart

The table below contains the ideal temperatures for all the fish that can be caught in Kamuibetsu National Park. Diamonds usually bite close to this ideal temperature.

Temperature Chart for Kamuibetsu National Park ( celsius | fahrenheit )
Species Minimum TemperatureIdeal TemperatureMaximum Temperature
Amur Catfish4.021.027.0
Ayu Sweetfish13.020.022.0
Brook Trout4.014.020.0
Cherry Salmon8.012.022.0
Chum Salmon7.012.023.0
Dolly Varden Trout0.08.016.0
Feral Koi6.020.030.0
Japanese Dace2.010.020.0
Japanese Eel10.023.027.0
Japanese Freshwater Crab7.022.030.0
Japanese Smelt3.017.029.0
Mozambique Tilapia12.024.034.0
Northern Snakehead0.013.030.0
Pond Loach12.018.026.0
Rainbow Trout3.08.012.0
Sakhalin Taimen3.010.015.0
Sockeye Salmon6.014.016.0
White Spotted Char1.09.020.0
Species Minimum TemperatureIdeal TemperatureMaximum Temperature

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a temperature chart?

A size chart that contains a list of temperatures in between which specific fish will bite. Diamonds will bite closer to the ideal temperature.

What is the temperature chart useful for?

The Temperature Chart helps when you’re after a specific fish (diamonds, especially).