Pond Loach

This is the Wiki page for the Pond Loach found in Kamuibetsu National Park.


The Pond Loach, also known as the Dojo Loach, Oriental Weatherloach or Oriental Weatherfish, is a freshwater fish in the loach family. The ‘weather’ moniker comes from their ability to detect changes in barometric pressure before a storm and react accordingly.

Unlike most other fish, the Pond Loach can burrow into, and hide in, soft sediment, breathe atmospheric air through their posterior canal, and thus survive for long periods of time outside the water.



Pond Loach can be found in Shallow Pond, Shallow Lake, and Middle River.

Bait & Lure Preferences

Bloodworm, Eggs, Pearl Barley, Redworm, Boilies – Natural, Tube, Worm, Grub, Spinnerbait, Bread, Artificial Corn – Yellow, Dog Biscuits, Spinner, can be used to lure and catch Pond Loach in COTW the Angler.


The Pond Loach has the following traits:

  • Easily Spooked:

    Gets easily scared by human presence.

  • Keen Senses:

    Can sense food from a great distance and will respond well to lures.

Tips for catching Pond Loach

Preferred Bait

The Pond Loach preferes Bloodworm as bait. If you use Bloodworm you have the best chance of cathing a Pond Loach.

Time of Day

The best time for catching a Pond Loach is during Daytime and Nighttime.

Ranks & Hook Sizes

RankHook Size
👶Juvenile (0.005-0.011kg)10
🥉Bronze (0.011-0.054kg)9
🥈Silver (0.054-0.088kg)8
🥇Gold (0.088-0.12kg)7
💎Diamond (0.12-0.142kg)6