La Mostrenca is a tale that is told to Andalusian children to scare them to an early, silent sleep; for if they are not good, La Mostrenca will come.
A terrible tale made manifest by way of gaping maw, a hunched, pocked, gurgling denouement ripping the tide wide open in search of fresh ears to burrow into.
She hides not in cupboards or under beds, but in angler’s nets, wide eyed and slavering in sleepless death, waiting to devour them whole.
Bait & Lure Preferences
Boilies - Natural (13%), Cheese (13%), Dough (13%), Hotdog (13%), Pellets - Regular (13%) and Redworm (13%) can be used to lure and catch La Mostrenca in COTW the Angler. The percentages indicate the preference level for a specific bait or lure, where 100% is most prefered.
La Mostrenca has the following traits:
- Deep Speech:
At night, La Mostrenca rises to the surface to swim around and emits a deep, gurgling noise.
La Mostrenca Locations Map
A map with known locations for La Mostrenca. These are locations where has been caugth and it is known to spawn. Every week when La Mostrenca is active, it will be at different locations on the map.

Tips for catching La Mostrenca
What it La Mostrenca's preferred bait?
La Mostrenca preferes Cheese as bait. If you use Cheese you have the best chance of cathing La Mostrenca.
What is the Time of Day to catch La Mostrenca?
The best time for catching La Mostrenca is during Daytime and Nighttime.
What hook sizes are best for catching La Mostrenca?
It is best to use hooks of sizes 2, 1, 1/0, 2/0, 3/0, and 4/0 to catch La Mostrenca. You may be able to catch La Mostrenca with hooks of smaller size, but that's not confirmed.
Where can I catch La Mostrenca?
In the Call of the Wild: The Angler game, La Mostrenca can be found and caught in the Aguas Claras Municipio.
What fish species is La Mostrenca?
La Mostrenca is a legendary fish from the Comizo Barbel species.