Store Henrik is a particularly large and fearsome burbot who’s never been known to back away from a fight, whether that’s with another fish, a boat or someone’s house, and has never tasted defeat even once.
It has been said he fought a waterfall for 20 days and 20 nights and won, causing it to dry up for good. Others say he fights sleep, restlessly roaming the rivers of the reserve, and has never winked even once. Others still says he fights the concept of time itself, although I wouldn’t listen to them, they lost their house, boat and rod to Henrik, they aren’t in a great place.
Anyway, he’s huge and will happily run away with your arm if you let him. Can you keep him down for the count?
Bait & Lure Preferences
Liver (100%), Shad - Constant (100%), Shad - Jigging (100%), Shad - Stop and Go (100%), Shad - Twitching (100%), Grub - Constant (38%), Grub - Jigging (38%), Grub - Twitching (38%), Hotdog (38%), Leeches (38%), Minnow (38%), Redworm (38%), Tube - Jigging (38%), Tube - Twitching (38%), Worm - Jigging (38%), Bloodworm (13%), Cheese (13%), Dough (13%), Eggs (13%) and Marshmallow (13%) can be used to lure and catch Store Henrik in COTW the Angler. The percentages indicate the preference level for a specific bait or lure, where 100% is most prefered.
Store Henrik has the following traits:
- Bottom Lurker:
Prefers swimming closer to the bottom.
- Night Owl:
More active at night.
- Daredevil:
Loves hanging around waterfalls and high-speed streams.
Store Henrik Locations Map
A map with known locations for Store Henrik. These are locations where has been caugth and it is known to spawn. Every week when Store Henrik is active, it will be at different locations on the map.

Tips for catching Store Henrik
What it Store Henrik's preferred bait?
Store Henrik preferes Liver as bait. If you use Liver you have the best chance of cathing Store Henrik.
What is the Time of Day to catch Store Henrik?
The best time for catching Store Henrik is during Nighttime.
What hook sizes are best for catching Store Henrik?
It is best to use hooks of sizes 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2 to catch Store Henrik. You may be able to catch Store Henrik with hooks of smaller size, but that's not confirmed.
Where can I catch Store Henrik?
In the Call of the Wild: The Angler game, Store Henrik can be found and caught in the Trollsporet Nature Reserve.
What fish species is Store Henrik?
Store Henrik is a legendary fish from the Burbot species.