

This legendary Atlantic Salmon first came into notoriety after she reflected harsh sunlight into the eye of a cruise liner captain, blinding them and mooring their ship. It’s unclear if this extreme act gave Speilfinne a taste for mayhem, but since then, it has dazzled a streak of victims a country mile long, rendering them unable to catch anything or indeed function at all for several days.

It has at many times been mistaken for scrap on the riverbed, only to have vanished as soon as hauling equipment materialised.

Speilfinne has never tasted hook, nor been locked down long enough to be caught. Can you do the job?


Bait & Lure Preferences

Eggs, Spoon, Spinner, Redworm, Jerkbait, Crankbait, Minnow, Artificial Corn – Yellow, can be used to lure and catch Speilfinne in COTW the Angler.


Speilfinne has the following traits:

  • Hard Fighter:

    Tries its best to get off the hook.

  • Jumper:

    Likes jumping out of the water.

  • Rising Sun:

    Will rise to the surface during daytime, but will hide as soon as it spots tackle.

Speilfinne Locations Map

A map with known locations for Speilfinne. These are locations where has been caugth and it is known to spawn. Every week when Speilfinne is active, it will be at different locations on the map.

Known spawn locations for Speilfinne.
Click to expand

Tips for catching Speilfinne

What it Speilfinne's preferred bait?

Speilfinne preferes Eggs as bait. If you use Eggs you have the best chance of cathing Speilfinne.

What is the Time of Day to catch Speilfinne?

The best time for catching Speilfinne is during Daytime.

What hook sizes are best for catching Speilfinne?

It is best to use hooks of sizes 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1/0, 2/0, 3/0, and 4/0 to catch Speilfinne. You may be able to catch Speilfinne with hooks of smaller size, but that's not confirmed.

Where can I catch Speilfinne?

In the Call of the Wild: The Angler game, Speilfinne can be found and caught in the Trollsporet Nature Reserve.

What fish species is Speilfinne?

Speilfinne is a legendary fish from the Atlantic Salmon species.