Rainbow Trout


The Rainbow Trout is a trout native to cold-water tributaries of the Pacific Ocean in Asia and North America. Adult freshwater stream Rainbow Trout average between 1-5lb (0.4-2.2kg), while
lake-dwelling and anadromous forms may reach 20lb (9kg).

Coloration varies widely based on subspecies, forms and habitat. Adult fish are distinguished by a broad reddish stripe along the lateral line, from gills to the tail, which is most vivid in breeding males. Rainbow Trout are predators with a varied diet and will eat nearly anything they can capture.

Rainbow Trout, including juvenile steelhead in fresh water, routinely feed on larval, pupal and adult forms of aquatic insects. They also eat fish eggs and adult forms of terrestrial insects that fall into the water. Rainbow Trout and Steelhead are highly regarded game fish. Rainbow Trout are a popular target for fly fishers, and several angling methods are used.

Many anglers consider the Rainbow Trout the hardest-fighting trout species, as this fish is known for leaping when hooked and putting up a powerful struggle. It is considered one of the top five sport fish in North America and the most important game fish west of the Rocky Mountains.

In the Call of the Wild: The Angler game, Rainbow Trout can be found in the following reserves:



Rainbow Trout can be found in Shallow Pond, Deep Pond, Lake Shore, Shallow Lake, Upriver, and River Mouth.

Bait & Lure Preferences

Spinner, Pearl Barley, Dough, Marshmallow, Spoon, Bread, Redworm, Hotdog, Artificial Corn - Yellow, and Corn can be used to lure and catch Rainbow Trout in COTW the Angler.


The Rainbow Trout has the following traits:

  • Easily Spooked:

    Gets easily scared by human presence.

  • Jumper:

    Likes jumping out of the water.

  • Last stand:

    When close to getting caught it fights with renewed vigor.

  • Sun Lover:

    More active after the sun rises.

Tips for catching Rainbow Trout

Preferred Bait

The Rainbow Trout preferes Spinner as bait. If you use Spinner you have the best chance of cathing a Rainbow Trout.

Time of Day

The best time for catching a Rainbow Trout is during Daytime.

Ranks & Hook Sizes

RankHook Size
👶Juvenile10 and 9
🥉Bronze8, 7, 6 and 5
🥈Silver4 and 3
🥇Gold2 and 1
💎Diamond1/0, 2/0, 3/0 and 4/0

Frequently Asked Questions about Rainbow Trout

How to catch a Bronze Rainbow Trout in COTW the Angler?

You can maximize your chance of catching a Juvenile level Rainbow Trout in COTW the Angler by fishing during Daytime with a 10 and 9 hook size and using Spinner as bait.

How to catch a Bronze Rainbow Trout in COTW the Angler?

You can maximize your chance of catching a Bronze level Rainbow Trout in COTW the Angler by fishing during Daytime with a 8, 7, 6 and 5 hook size and using Spinner as bait.

How to catch a Silver Rainbow Trout in COTW the Angler?

You can maximize your chance of catching a Silver level Rainbow Trout in COTW the Angler by fishing during Daytime with a 4 and 3 hook size and using Spinner as bait.

How to catch a Gold Rainbow Trout in COTW the Angler?

You can maximize your chance of catching a Gold level Rainbow Trout in COTW the Angler by fishing during Daytime with a 2 and 1 hook size and using Spinner as bait.

How to catch a Diamond Rainbow Trout in COTW the Angler?

You can maximize your chance of catching a Diamond level Rainbow Trout in COTW the Angler by fishing during Daytime with a 1/0, 2/0, 3/0 and 4/0 hook size and using Spinner as bait.