A symbol of eternal determination and perseverance, the Golden Koi holds itself triumphantly, having fought for years against a waterfall that seemed naught but relentless. Streams of unfettered gold cascade from head to tail, medallions adorning its scaled and scarred chest. It hasn’t fought all this time to lose to the likes of you, that’s for sure!
Bait & Lure Preferences
Bread (100%), Corn (100%), Redworm (100%), Artificial Corn - Yellow (38%), Bloodworm (38%), Boilies - Natural (38%), Dough (38%), Pearl Barley (38%), Pellets - Regular (38%), Spinnerbait - Stop and Go (38%), Worm - Stop and Go (38%), Worm - Twitching (38%), Eggs (13%), Spinnerbait - Constant (13%), Spinnerbait - Jigging (13%), Spinnerbait - Twitching (13%), Wafters - White (13%), Worm - Constant (13%) and Worm - Jigging (13%) can be used to lure and catch Koi no Takinobori in COTW the Angler. The percentages indicate the preference level for a specific bait or lure, where 100% is most prefered.
Koi no Takinobori has the following traits:
- Bottom Lurker:
Prefers swimming closer to the bottom.
- Dragon's Gate:
Legend has it that the Dragon’s Gate is located at the top of a waterfall, cascading from the heavens themselves. Many Koi possess the strength to swim upstream against the powerful river current, but only the truly worthy will jump high enough to become a True Dragon.
Koi no Takinobori Locations Map
A map with known locations for Koi no Takinobori. These are locations where has been caugth and it is known to spawn. Every week when Koi no Takinobori is active, it will be at different locations on the map.

Tips for catching Koi no Takinobori
What it Koi no Takinobori's preferred bait?
Koi no Takinobori preferes Bread as bait. If you use Bread you have the best chance of cathing Koi no Takinobori.
What is the Time of Day to catch Koi no Takinobori?
The best time for catching Koi no Takinobori is during Daytime and Nighttime.
What hook sizes are best for catching Koi no Takinobori?
It is best to use hooks of sizes 2, 1, 1/0, 2/0, and 3/0 to catch Koi no Takinobori. You may be able to catch Koi no Takinobori with hooks of smaller size, but that's not confirmed.
Where can I catch Koi no Takinobori?
In the Call of the Wild: The Angler game, Koi no Takinobori can be found and caught in the Kamuibetsu National Park.
What fish species is Koi no Takinobori?
Koi no Takinobori is a legendary fish from the Feral Koi species.